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Archive for the ‘Resume Writing Tips’ Category

Posted on Friday, February 13th, 2009

What is the difference between a professional resume and an average resume? Well, this is like the difference between a successful businessman who has an expensive car, own house in the suburb and an unemployed person who is struggling to survive and happy to accept any kind of job.
Consequently, the gap is too significant not to pay attention to the procedure of writing a professional resume. Let us discuss some features of professional resumes:

  • A professional resume is of high quality in terms of all its elements: presentation, grammar, spelling, content, and appropriate vocabulary use.
  • Professional resume writing takes much time. But once your professional resume is produced, it becomes a great asset that can be used many times with just some minor corrections.
  • Professional resumes are never too long, especially if you are a student. In such case, your CV should be definitely no longer than two pages. Do not go into details if you want to write a professional resume, since if the potential employer is interested, he/she will ask to give more details.
  • Writing a professional resume requires some concentration. You need to really think about your achievements, past experiences that should or should not be mentioned in your resume.
  • The process of writing a professional resume should finish with some feedback from an experienced person. Ask someone to read your resume and evaluate it – how successful it is and how impressive it looks.

So, do not waste your time and start working on your resume, because sooner or later you will be asked to submit it. While writing your resume, do not forget to review our professional resume writing tips and ideas.

Posted on Saturday, February 7th, 2009

Is it possible to be creative in writing a resume? The answer is yes. Certainly, you do not want to be over creative, adding funny pictures or using some unusual style or size. Still, there is place for some creativity in your resume. Let us discuss this issue:
Creative resume: tip number one
Creativity is about being different, better than the others are. So, start from organizing your resume in a structured way: find some resume templates, designs that will make your resume more eye-friendly.
Creative resume: tip number two
Include in the resume the most bright and impressive facts about yourself. You simply cannot be shy: how will employers know what you are if you do not tell them?
Creative resume: tip number three
Provide the potential employers with full information on your work experience. This is very important to mention your job positions, starting and ending date, your responsibilities, achievements, career growth and, finally, contact information of your previous employer.
Creative resume: tip number four
At the end of your resume, you should include a part dedicated to your interests and hobbies. This is important to show your employer that you are a normal person with own interests and likes. Besides, you might have some common hobbies with the potential employer, which will make him/her willing to invite you for a job interview.
Creative resume: tip number five
Print your resume on fine paper. If your printer is not working good, leaving dark spots, you should go to a good copy center and print your resume there. It is a very wise investment.
So, these creative tips will help you look different – more confident, more organized, more creative.

Posted on Friday, January 16th, 2009

Do you think it is so easy to write a resume? If you plan to finish it in one day, you will be shocked at your low productivity. Resume writing will take more than one day, sometimes more than one week.
So, you should realize that resume writing is a serious thing, even more important and challenging than your Biology research paper. We will try to help you by describing what resume writing format you should follow:

  • Resume format is the structure you will have to stick to while working on your CV. It does not mean that you need to memorize our suggestions and apply all of them. We just give you recommendations that are important for this particular task, at this particular moment.
  • Resume formats are based on the following structure: your contact information (this is not a must to include your marital status or age), your educational background, your work experience, your international experience (all kinds of international conferences, internships and seminars), your language proficiency, your hobbies and interests.
  • You can improve your resume format, its visual presentation by adding bullets, making borders and using all kinds of other tools of visual presentation. However, your resume is not the right place to include charts, pictures or clip arts.
  • Resume format should correspond to each employer’s requirements. So, every time you are sending your resume, you need to slightly change it, adding some emphasis where necessary.

Now, you should not have any illusions about the easy nature of resume writing. It is actually a hard work, but it is so much worth it. So, start thinking about resume writing ahead of time.

Posted on Friday, January 9th, 2009

Professional CV writing is probably one of the most widely covered topics in all kinds of publications and online resources. Unfortunately, the quality of our CV does not improve with a growing number of published sources on this issue. So, now it is time to apply what you have learnt by designing a professional curriculum vitae.
We want to give you last-minute professional CV writing tips just to summarize everything you have read and heard:

  1. Professional CV writing is about quality, not quantity. You need to fill in your resume with high quality content, identifying your strengths.
  2. A professional CV should contain precise information. Do not use any vague expressions or too general statements. This is easy to write something general, but when you have some features that make you unique – highlight them in details.
  3. A professional curriculum vita covers such personal information as age, marital status, sex, and contact information. However, other sections like your education, work experience, language proficiency, and interests should be included as well.
  4. A professional CV should definitely stick to the set standards: you need to organize your information into a logical sequence, using bulleted lists or even tables, if necessary.
Posted on Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Are you looking for some resume writing guide? Well, congratulations, you have found it.
Our resume writing guide will help you evaluate your CV and decide what elements can be improved. In other words, this article would be perfect for those who already have a CV, not for those who first faced the necessity of producing their own resume.
So, find your CV and read our resume writing guidelines:

  1. Your resume should consist of a certain number of sections, such as personal information, educational background, job experience, abilities and interests. Another extra section that can be included before your job experience is your volunteering or organization experience, since some of you can be active members of NGOs.
  2. Your CV should present 100% true information. Believe it or not, but your employer will check the reliability and validity of the presented data. If you included some information that is not true, you will be on the black list of applicants who will not be chosen under any circumstances.
  3. Another resume writing guide tip for you is to up-date your CV once in awhile, every month, or every 3 months. When an emergency comes and you will have to submit your resume immediately, you will be happy that you are sending an up-dated full version.
  4. Our resume writing guide tip for you is to provide all contact data of your previous employers. This will help you make your resume more valid and reliable, providing your employers with an opportunity to contact your old boss.

Our resume writing guidelines should be handy for you. You should never get tired of improving and shaping your resume!

Posted on Friday, December 26th, 2008

Even though you have read many articles on how to write a resume, you still make the same mistakes. So what is the use of following the rules? Instead, we offer you typical resume writing mistakes. Hopefully, they will help you stay away from failing.

  1. Bad English. Do you really hope your employer will believe in your outstanding qualities if you provide a resume written in poor English with grammar and punctuation mistakes? You can forget about a job right away. By the way, typos are also included. So maybe you should better edit the resume before sending it out!?
  2. Your resume has to be no longer than one page. The Human Resources office gets hundreds of resume writings every day, one better than another. They will not have time to read your memoirs. So keep them brief and concise. If your experience does not fit on one page, leave the most important.
  3. Resume objective. If you want a job, not the job, think twice before sending out a resume. Do you really believe an employer will find some time to look for a perfect job for you? If you wonder how to write a resume, decide on the desired vacancy first.
Posted on Friday, December 19th, 2008

This one goes to all the desperate job seekers not able to find enough courage to write a resume. First, we assure you that sooner or later everyone will have to pass the embarrassing and humiliating procedure of praising oneself in a resume, so you are not the only one. Second, even if you are a good specialist, it will not be known until you say you are. So get started.
Online Resumes: Learn to Praise
An online resume can be a good example of how your best professional qualities can be revealed and introduced. This is especially important when it comes to specifying personal qualities and describing oneself as a specialist. If you are no good at writing, this part may not be great. However, with a good online resume the moment of embarrassment can be easily passed.
Online Resumes: Mind Time
A good resume should be no longer than one page. If you are an experienced-experienced professional, state only latest and most sufficient achievements. Save the time of the person who has to read not only yours, but resumes of other seekers as well. The ways to make a list shorter are clearly seen in a professionally written online resume.
Online Resume Service (more…)

Posted on Friday, December 12th, 2008

It is not a matter of experience or its lack. A good job is a matter of an effective resume. This is proved by practice. This is why as soon as you know how to introduce yourself, as soon as you realize how to hide weaknesses and underline strengths, in other words, as soon as you find the secret of writing an effective resume, you will get any job you aim at.
As your look speaks before you start talking, a resume speaks for you before you appear. Writing it is not just a formality. It is a necessity. An employer knows nothing about you except the fact that you want to work for him/her. It is fair enough to let an employer get some information about you to see whether you are a valuable person for a company.
Effective Resumes: Make Them Productive
Nothing speaks more for a person than achievements. If you had experience of working in the sphere, state your personal bests, specify the goals reached. The best way is to talk using numbers. If you were a sales manager, state how sales have increased during your supervision.
If you are a student with no previous experience, underline your activity in the university and talk about leadership qualities when writing an effective resume.
Effective Resumes: Clear Purpose (more…)

Posted on Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Career week at your university is coming…You do not want to waste this wonderful opportunity to find a great job, so you decide to write an outstanding resume that would help you stand out in the crowd of other ambitious students. Well, you have come to the right place- here, in this article, we are going to provide tips for writing a resume.
If you dream about a great career in a dynamic business, consider the following three basic tips for writing a resume:

  • Tips for resume writing. # 1
  • Start with the most complicated part – organizing your work experience, educational achievements, abilities, and skills. In spite of the fact that it seems to be easy to write about oneself, it is not the case with resume writing. You will be totally overwhelmed with the amount of information you want to include. However, try to keep it short and up to the point.

  • Tips for resume writing. # 2
  • When you manage to put your achievements into a logical order, you will have no problems adding some of your personal information, like age, sex, name, marital status, etc. This information should be placed before your educational and work records.

  • Tips for resume writing. # 3
  • After you are done with a rough draft of your resume, you should ask someone to evaluate your CV. It can be your family member, your career advisor, or any other person you trust and respect.

Now, after reading our tips for writing a resume, you are ready for any kind of interview. Your resume will be a valid reason for your employer to choose you, instead of your ambitious rivals. Go for it – you deserve to be successful!

Posted on Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Surely, detailed instructions on how to write a resume are a good idea. But what to do with the guidelines that are hard to realize on practice? How not to sound clumsy or ridiculous? What is the best way to formulate a particular sentence, especially about professional qualities or anything else about oneself? Here is where a resume writing sample might be more useful than all the writing tips in the world.
Using sample resumes is not embarrassing and it is certainly legal. Moreover, it is only for the best. Sometimes a sample resume can save a situation and put everything at the right places.
If you know that you are not a master of resume writing or really want to get a particular job, sample resumes may be just what you are looking for:

  • You can work with both resume writing tips and resume writing samples. This will double your chances to win. Surely, the best way to write is to avoid the clichés, which are inevitable once you use sample resumes. On the other hand, coordinating both documents masterly will lead to the supreme results.
  • A resume writing sample is even recommended, once it comes to the part where you have to talk about yourself, personal qualities, and achievements. First, such sample resume will be strong moral support. You will see that you are not the only one praising yourself on paper. Second, an example in front of your eyes will help you get started. Commonly used phrases, words of even qualities are what will make your resume blend in. However, do not copy-paste all the qualities, especially if you are applying for a position of a PE teacher using Heidi Klum’s sample resume.
  • Resume writing samples help to blend in, as mentioned above. Therefore, do not forget about the personality. You do not want to vanish in a pile of other standardized resumes.
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